Antifoul Removal

Antifoul Removal

Great results here with our Dumond Smart Strip Green. It has removed up to 15 layers of old antifoul cleanly here leaving the epoxy layer in tact. Great results! The pictures here speak for themselves. Dumond Smart Strip is available from Marine Trade...

Altex No5 Colours

Altex No5 Colours. As the popularity of Altex No5 colours grows we must be aware of the products limitations. As specified at the bottom of this colour sheet and in the product datasheet you must box multiple tins, especially if you have different batches, to ensure...
Smart Strip – Remove layers of old antifoul!

Smart Strip – Remove layers of old antifoul!

Smart Strip™ Marine Strip Like its alternative, Smart Strip™ Marine Safety Strip, Smart Strip™ Marine Strip is specifically designed for removal of marine boat bottom, antifouling paint, but Marine Strip is used on surfaces...

Wooden Boat Restoration

What a fantastic in depth document produced by West Systems in how to make repairs to a wooden boat. Even recaulking is covered which we are often asked about. Have a browse through this if you are planning on making repairs to a wooden boat!...

Rolling and Tipping

If you have decided to paint your boat with a brush or roller it can be a little tricky if you have never done it before. We recommend you watch a few videos on the topic, read your data sheets for thinner volume and drying times. Plan your job so the surface is not...

Gelcoat Blisters

Great article here by West Systems on gelcoat blisters. Well worth a read it will help you understand it and deal with it! gelcoat_blisters_-_diagnosis_repair__prevention
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