We are proud to announce another expansion commencing September 1st, 2021 where we will be taking the whole B building here at The Boat Works on Beattie Road Coomera. That means we will be pushing out our floor space out to around 1,500 square metres! The front of the building has been occupied by Clipper Motor Yachts since we finished construction just over 2 years ago. Clipper are moving into a dedicated building in the north Super Yacht Yard & we will restructure our layout. We will move our checkouts into the front of the building facing the water or The Galley Restaurant end if you like.

A new double door entrance, you will walk in to the check outs, and as you pass them, you wont be able to see the back of the store the tenancy is that big! More shelving, a nice open space in the middle for our Highfield Tender display.  Anchors will move up on display though the front windows. It will really allow us to showcase our stock & we will create a nicer flow of stock as you move through.

Our clothing range will expand into crew uniforms, corporate uniforms, our electrical range will expand, Our electronics range from Garmin will be showcased, we will bring in some more “lifestyle” products, our fishing gear range will be expanded. It really will allow us to offer you more chandlery product.

Of course September will be the construction phase, then shelving, so it will not happen overnight. We need to trade into the space & with the impact of Covid19 lock downs, we need to take our time in bringing in the new stock. We are very lucky to be trading & there are towns in Australia doing it very tough so our heart goes out to those communities. This expansion was always planned, we have had the plans in the pipeline for over 2 years, and we still have more plans for Marine Trade Supplies that will be released in due time.

So over the next 3 months, watch this space, we cannot wait to fit out what will become the largest chandlery in Australia as we spread our wings into a MEGA STORE!

We are always on the lookout for more quality lifestyle products to showcase in Australia’s busiest boat yard, so if you have a great range of product  you want offered to our audience, now is the time to make contact & let us know. We will also be putting on more staff to help us keep up with the demand.

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