What is the best antifoul on the market. We are often asked this exact question. It is not really about “the best antifoul” It is about getting a season or two in the water & not coming out covered in barnacle and weed. Yes, it is better to buy a strong antifoul so you come out clean, but it is just as important to ensure when you do come out, the barnacles have not covered your boat and done damage to the gelcoat or running gear. A proactive boat owner should haul out at regular intervals, this allows you to check for any osmosis issues, clean up your running gear, check anodes, raw water intakes. Any issues left too long can become very costly!
Take two identical vessels on the same jetty. Same antifoul, same everything. The vessel on the bank out of the current might get two years before requiring a haul out. The other vessel out on the T at the head of the jetty in the current, might only get 12 months. Weed can grow on the sunny side and not on the shady side as well. So many variables can effect performance. Even correct film builds during application can make a huge difference to performance.
We stock every major brand available in Australia and should you not want to antifoul the boat yourself, we can recommend a reputable applicator to you. Call us for more information on 07 5500 0002 today!

AkzoNobel have been making paint for over 370 years and it is no coincidence that their International brand is a global reference in the antifouling market. Owners, captains and pros around the world love International paints for their easy application, outstanding performance and readily available technical support wherever you are. International Paints offer a complete range of self-polishing, polishing, ablative and hard antifoulings, as well as the only specialised product for optimal racing performance on the Australian market – VC Offshore.
Years of research and development have gone into each can of International paint, ensuring the most advanced technology for every vessel from the smallest pleasure boat to the largest superyacht – contact MTS or your local International technical representative to find the best system for your vessel:
Micron 99 (professional use only; vessels 20+m) – optimised for superyachts and extended offshore cruising vessels; outstanding protection in challenging fouling conditions.
Micron AP – maximum strength antifouling with Biolux® technology and boosted biocide levels; suitable for the widest variety of vessels for difficult fouling conditions in all environments.
Micron Extra 2 – high strength antifouling formulated with Biolux® technology to provide improved resistance to slime, optimising performance and longevity.
Micron One (Awlcraft – now retired) Micron One is a seasonal ablative antifouling with proven performance; economical and dependable, designed to erode away with use which reduces paint build-up and sanding.
Trilux 33 – especially formulated for aluminium vessels of all sizes; available in bright colours.
Ultra 2 – high strength, hard antifouling; ideal for fast power boats and competitive sailing with hard, scrubbable finish
VC Offshore – thin film coating for racing, sailing and performance powerboats; reduces friction and drag.
Check out the range here

Sea Hawk Paints
Manufactured in Clearwater Florida, & now owned by AkzoNobel, Seahawk antifouling is a premium product that will give you extended time in the water. Backed with premium epoxy primers, Seahawk antifoul comes in a few different flavours. We carry the products in store, so you can generally walk in & grab what you need pending demand at the time. It comes in convenient gallon cans. (3.78l) BioCop TF is the most common with a dual biocide. Talk with us if you plan on cruising into tropical waters & you are looking for extended performance.
Check out the range here
Jotun have the Seaforce Active & Seaquantum Spectrum Self Polishing antifouling range.
Seavictor 50 is Jotun’s premium offering. It loves to run in warm tropical waters. If you are off world cruising, Seavictor 50 is a great choice. It is full of cuperous oxide and biocides to reduce weed growth. It can give you up to 3 years protection depending on usage. It has not been available for over year now.
Seaforce Active is Jotun’s budget antifoul. Seaforce Active has been very popular around the world in the past and we are starting to have had great success with it locally here in Australia. If you plan to haul out every 15 months, Seaforce Active is a great choice.
Jotun have moved manufacturing offshore, however they are using the same proven formulas that have been successful overseas.
Check out the range here

Hempel is the worlds third largest marine paint company. Fantastic products with their inorganic fibre technology. They have taken copper and biocide release rates to scientific perfection.
Globic is Hampel’s top of the range antifoul. Great choice for world cruising inn warm waters. It can offer you up to three years in the right conditions.
Olympic Plus antifoul is the core of the range for coastal vessels & you can expect fantastic performance with advanced resin technologies in the formulas.
Check out the range here
Altex & Carboline
Altex Yacht & Boat Paint is proudly developed and manufactured for our harsh conditions, and a proven performer in our waters, have confidence in 70 plus years of Marine coatings development, easy access to our technical staff for advice and products designed for the DIY Boat Owner as well as the Professional Painter.
No.5 PLUS is the premium offering from Altex, with one of the highest biocide loadings on the Australian market. The solution to the ever-increasing fouling burden in nutrient-rich waters. Designed to provide owners with a dependable, high-performance coating system that will save them money in maintenance costs.
Pettit Vivid
Vivid is an aluminium safe antifoul offering one of the highest biocide loadings registered on the Australian market. Vivid® provides excellent multi-season, dual biocide antifouling protection under all conditions for all substrates. Available in 500ml for small jobs, 4L in all colours and 10L in White and Black.
Pettit Hydrocoat
Hydrocoat is an advanced technology, water-based, ablative antifouling which offers exceptional multi-season protection against most types of fouling.
Hydrocoat’s innovative technology replaces the harsh solvents found in most bottom paints with water, resulting in an easier application and clean up, with no heavy solvent smell.
Hydrocoat’s ablative surface wears away with use, exposing fresh biocides while eliminating paint build up and the need for sanding. The low-odour formula is so environmentally friendly, it exceeds even the most stringent air pollution regulations.
Hydrocoat withstands frequent trailering, beaching, and launching. Its unique formula allows unlimited dry time to launch, so you can paint in the autumn or winter.
Carboline Sea~Barrier 3000
High performance ablative antifoul designed for commercial marine applications. Proven 30+ years performance in the South Pacific
Check out the range here

Sigma Ecofleet 290 is a fantastic choice. Self polishing and comes in 15L or 5 pails. We have sold over the years pallets and pallets of Sigma Ecofleet 290 and people come back asking for it boasting great results. If your vessel is around the 35ft mark, a 15L pail is very economical. Comes in Black, Blue or the traditional red/brown colour.
Check out the range here
How much antifouling will I need:
International Paints have created this fantastic diagram that explains how to roughly calculate the quantity required: